MAXN Egg Pro is a health supplement made with proteins from egg whites, suitable for athletes who practice strenuous physical activity. Proteins contribute to the growth and maintenance of muscle mass. The product is supplemented with vitamin B6, which supports the normal metabolism of protein and glycogen, and normal energy metabolism.
It’s an excellent protein supplement for people who can’t or don’t wish to eat meat or dairy products. It can also be used to replace fresh egg whites in recipes such as baked goods.
Egg Protein Powder
Are you a bodybuilder or athlete who’s bored with using your usual casein or whey protein supplements? Try MAXN’s Egg Protein Powder, a unique dietary health supplement that aids in increasing a person’s daily nutrient intake. This health product is specially formulated for fitness enthusiasts who wish to put on lean muscle mass, shed pounds, and have more stamina while working out. MAXN’s 1 kg egg protein supplement is now offered in four mouthwatering flavors: strawberry, mango, cappuccino, and chocolate!
Egg based protein powder
The premium, easily-absorbable protein in MAXN’s egg white protein supplements offers all nine essential amino acids from 100% egg whites required for rapid lean muscle mass building, healing, and recovery. Vitamin B6 is abundant in the product to assist healthy energy metabolism. Try out MAXN’s special chocolate egg white protein powder in place of fresh egg whites in baking recipes!
Chocolate egg white protein powder
Looking out for egg protein powders free of artificial colors, flavors, and sweeteners? Then look no further! MAXN’s egg white protein supplement comes in a delicious chocolate flavor that you can add to your pre or post-workout drinks, shakes, or smoothies!
Frequently Asked Questions
What is EGG PRO?
Egg Pro/Protein is an egg white protein-based health supplement. It’s designed for fitness enthusiasts who want to increase their strength and power when working out, as well as their muscular mass.
Are EGG PRO supplements safe?
Yes, Egg Pro is a safe and consumable health supplement. It is a high-quality and easily digestible source of nutrients to your body for gains.
Why should one consume MaxN EGG PRO?
MAXN Egg Pro aids with muscle mass growth and maintenance. Vitamin B6 is present in this supplement which supports normal protein and glycogen metabolism, as well as appropriate energy metabolism.
Is egg protein powder healthy?
Yes, egg protein powders have a very high concentration of BCAAs for healthy synthesis and maintenance of muscle tissue, and vitamin B6 for glycogen and energy metabolism.
Is egg protein powder better than whey?
Egg and whey protein powders both have a rich amino acid profile. Whey protein is a popular post-workout supplement for muscle builders since it can be customized to achieve desired protein levels. Egg white protein is free of dairy, has fewer calories than whey protein, and doesn’t cause blood sugar to rise.
Can I eat eggs with protein powder?
Yes, you can eat raw or hard-boiled eggs with protein powder as this enhances the protein intake.
Is there an egg based protein powder available online?
Yes! You can easily get egg-derived protein powders from any online supplement store. MAXN’s 100% egg white protein supplement is a fantastic source of high-quality protein derived from pure organic ingredients.
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